Output Block

The Output Block is a key component in Data-River workflows. It is responsible for displaying or sending the results of a workflow to the user or an external system. Whether you're outputting data to a screen, sending an API response, or triggering another process, the Output Block is where the results are processed and made visible.


The primary role of the Output Block is to take the data passed to it from the previous block(s) and present it in a meaningful way. It acts as the final step before the workflow reaches its conclusion.

Key Functions:

  • Display Results: Outputs the results of the workflow to the user or another system.

  • Data Passing: Receives data from previous blocks (e.g., an Input Block) and processes or displays it.

Example Use Case

In a workflow that fetches Pokémon information, the Output Block will display the Pokémon's details that were retrieved from an API or another source.

Example Workflow:

  1. Start Block: Initiates the workflow.

  2. Input Block: Collects the Pokémon name ("Pikachu").

  3. Output Block: Displays the Pokémon’s information, such as its type, stats, and abilities.

  4. End Block: Finalizes the workflow.

In this case, the Output Block takes the data passed from the Input Block (Pokémon name) and displays the corresponding Pokémon details.

How to Use the Output Block

  1. Drag and Drop: Drag the Output Block from the block library onto the canvas.

  2. Connect It: Connect the previous block (such as the Input Block) to the Output Block.

  3. Define Output: The Output Block will automatically handle the data passed to it, displaying or sending the results.

  4. Run the Workflow: After configuring the workflow, run it to see how the data flows into the Output Block and is displayed.

Key Details

  • Single Value Output: The Output Block processes the value passed to it and outputs it, whether it's a message, data, or result from an API.

  • Simple Display: There are no complex formatting options; the Output Block is designed to output data directly as it is received.

Best Practices

  • Simple Output: Use the Output Block to display or return results directly. For complex outputs, consider breaking the output into multiple steps if necessary.

  • Check Data Flow: Ensure the previous block is passing the correct data to the Output Block to avoid issues with the final output.

What's Next?

Now that you know how to use the Output Block, check out the other essential blocks for building workflows:

Last updated