How to Contribute

Data-River is an open-source project, and we welcome contributions from developers, designers, and anyone passionate about building a visual automation tool. Whether you're suggesting new features, reporting bugs, or improving the codebase, your contribution helps make Data-River better for everyone.

Ways to Contribute

  1. Fork the Repository: Start by forking the Data-River repository to your own GitHub account. This will allow you to make changes and submit pull requests.

    git clone
  2. Create a Branch: Make sure to create a new branch for your changes.

    git checkout -b your-feature-branch
  3. Make Your Changes: Implement the feature, bug fix, or improvement in your local environment.

  4. Submit a Pull Request: Once you're happy with your changes, open a pull request against the development branch of the Data-River repository.

  5. Stay in Touch: Join our Discord server to ask questions, share your ideas, and connect with other contributors.


  • Make sure to follow the project's coding standards (ESLint and Prettier for formatting).

  • Write clear commit messages.

  • Test your changes before submitting a pull request.

  • For larger features, it’s a good idea to open an issue first to discuss your idea with the community.

What's Next?

Last updated